Monday, January 2, 2012

newest of new years :)

so, i know that our culture's interpretation of the Mayan calendar supposedly says that the world is going to end this year; HOWEVER, I'm gonna believe the true scholars who say that December 21st of this year just marks the beginning of a new calendar.

okay, now that i've addressed the "end of the world" consipiracy, i feel as though i can move on :)

i'm gonna go back to christmas day.  ahhh, 2011. it's nice to reminisce about you.

i know that i already showed y'all my gift to my niece, Eden, but i wanted to share some other fun photos from the day.

here we go, charlie.

Eden: "welcome to Christmas at g-paw and g-gran's house" (I imagine that this is what she is thinking when she saw me come in...I think she's got majoooor intelligent thoughts going on in that 5 month old brain of hers!)

A family photo - Jamison (the cuuuute 6 year old), Jon (my bro), and Melissa (my sis-in-law).  Jamison has a candy cane that i gave him in his hand.  OBVIOUSLY the sugar has already kicked in!  He's moving faster than the camera can keep up with :)

Alright...then, we opened some gifts.  I only got pictures of silly Jamison opening a few presents!

That's Jamison opening my gifts to him.  Aunt Sarah got him an I Spy book and a 3-D Transformers I Spy book. I also got him more sugar.  Haha, Jon and Melissa - you are WELCOME :)

My sister, Kristina, and her husband, Travis, gave Jamison the best gift by far! They got him a beginner's guitar! He LOVED that thing - wouldn't stop strumming away at it. When dinner was called, he came up to Melissa (his mom) and said "My fingers hurt from playing that guitar." Gotta get those calluses, J! :)

So cute!

 This photo really isn't all that important.  It's just how I wrapped my gift to my dad [obviously :)].  Notice the black wrapping paper.  Can you tell that I'm not terribly festive?  Do I own Christmas wrapping paper, you ask? Nope! Not a single bit! And I like it that way.

Then, we ate.

And eat we did.

I should have worn my Thanksgiving pants - name that reference :)

I'll spare you photos of the food.  It will make your mouth water because my Gran made it, and she is at all things food!
Okay, so after the meal, I got to play with that little niece of mine.  This mainly consisted of me laying on a blanket with her and setting my phone up to take photos...

Exhibits A through F:

That's her cute little baby foot. She likes to curl her big toe forward like that.

She was bored? WHAT?! WHAT?!? Nah, that's just a cute little baby yawn :)

2 things about this photo.  
1) The bunny ears. I'm ridiculously mature.
2) There are 4 generations of women in my family in this photo. How cool is that?!?

I'm a big fan of that Nat Geo TV Show Alaska State Troopers.  Here's my Moose ears, in reverence to the fact that I haven't seen a new episode in a few weeks.  I'm Jones-ing!

Jackrabbit ears :) How are they different than bunny ears? You decide! Oh, that's also a Mimi sneakin' a kiss from a jackrabbit.  Silly, Mimi - that's not a baby!

And here I am picking her nose. Or, at least faking it. :)

The last really incredible thing that my grandparents shared with me on Christmas day is just how talented my cousin, Grace, is!

This is the card she sent them for the Holiday season:
 What I learned about this card? She drew it. She imagined it.  She created it! That's her puppy in the front window there!  How impressive is that??
With the card, she also sent this painting.  She painted that! She thought that scene up and put it on canvas!  So beautiful!  That swing there is her sentimental addition - it is the swing that sits in the backyard of my grandparents house overlooking the river. My grandfather didn't even need to tell me about the swing.  I saw it and knew!

And here's my cousin - little miss Grace; who isn't so little anymore!
I still remember when my Aunt and Uncle brought her home and she was just a teeny-tiny little baby in diapers who laughed when you squeezed her toosh!
Did I mention that she's 12?

I'm sure she's happy that I've mentioned her days in diapers. 

bye bye 2011,

the craft rookie

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