Monday, March 19, 2012

Excited!, today was the first day back from Spring Break - wow, was I lazy.  Being back does not make me excited, BUT I am super pumped about a few things for this week:

1. It's the last week of introducing new material.  After this week, we switch in to straight review mode until our state tests (STAAR) on April 24th.

2. We are studying Geometry.  It's so easy to teach, so it's a nice wind-down unit.

3. We are not just studying Geometry, we are studying TRANSFORMATIONS (read that as Translations, Reflections, Rotations....or Slides, Flips, and Turns)!  Why does that make me happy, you ask?? WELLLLLL, because I get to have fun with this stuff. It's new material in 4th grade (or at least it's supposed to be - the 3rd grade teachers at my school do A LOT of pre-teaching for us, which is AWESOME!), so I like to bring a little jazz to it.  This year, I wrote a song called....

"The Transformation Slide"

This song is written to the tune of the "Cha Cha Slide" by DJ Casper.  If you don't know what this is, ask your son/daughter, niece/nephew, next door neighbor's kid, or a random stranger at the grocery store - just don't offer that kid candy, or y'know...seem creepy in any way.

The other 4th grade teachers and me are going to officially become musical recording artists tomorrow during our conference time, and we are going to rap our little hearts out to get this song recorded before Wednesday (aka the big day!).  

Are you excited?

If not...can you feel my excitement??

I'll share the final product with you guys, even if it doesn't turn out as awesome as it sounds in my head (and trust my head, there's like auto-tune and back up vocals and cool drums...there's slim to none of a chance that it will live up to what I've envisioned :)...and I'm totally okay with that)!

Here's a little taste -

This time we're gonna get funky....

Everybody reflect your hands!
Re-re-re-flect your hands!
Re-re-re-flect your hands!....

And it goes on from there...

humming the song as i type,

the craft rookie

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